Privacy Policy
Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank (Mumbai Bank) hosted its web-site i.e. www.mdccbank.com. for broadcasting, publishing information pertaining to Mumbai Bank such as products, services, departments, branches, board of directors, receiving correspondence, providing facility for downloading information of its products and services etc. to its existing as well as future customers. This web-site may be extended for providing banking services through net or by similar way, as it may be decided by the Mumbai Bank from time to time in future for its customers. Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. is well aware of protecting customers privacy and confidentiality of the customer information. Mumbai Bank will make all necessary arrangement to keep customer information confidential in terms with and according to agreement, arrangements made with the customers for providing web base / net base services. By way of agreement customer will authorise bank to use, exchange share, part with all customer information, details, transaction history etc. to it affiliates / banks / financial institutions / credit bureaus / agencies / participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network as may be required by law, customary practice, credit reporting, statistical information / analysis, risk management etc. and thus bank shall not be hold liable, responsible for using / disclose such information. For using net base services customers will be educated for protecting their information, avoiding unauthorized access by way of choosing and keeping confidentiality of passwords etc. Customer information will not be disclosed according to the terms between bank and customer except otherwise for legal requirements, defend, protect bank or its rights interest or property and if products and services requires according to their terms and conditions.
DisclaimerThe information published on the web-site of the Mumbai Bank is for the benefit of customers and general public. They should not disclose, misuse, reuse the information in any manner what so ever in nature. Failure to comply with this obligation and if found of doing such misconduct it will be treated as breach of trust and shall entitle Mumbai District Central Co-operative Bank or its affiliates to take appropriate action. Persons desiring to have additional information may contact Mumbai Bank. The information and material available on the web-site is subject to change from time to time. Mumbai Bank is not responsible in any manner for any loss or damage arising out of use of data, any errors or omission in the information published on the web-site.
Hyper Link PolicyMumbai District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. cautions customers that Mumbai Bank never send e-mail for requesting personal information, password etc. as phishing attack, data download is not warranted for accuracy, any hyper link to internet is at customers risk and Mumbai Bank is not responsible for any damage to data after downloading or opening the page. Access by the customer in public places is at customer risk for any loss of information.